

Are you worn-out of the old school in network marketing techniques? You know the 3 foot rule, hanging up posters, bugging your family and friends, and holding weekly presentations for that prospect you told your sponsor would be coming who sounded interested in your company. I was told to use these same techniques when I joined Nail Sticker a water/air filter business roughly 20 years ago. I was told to make a list of 100 people that I knew and basically call every one Motorcycle Gloves of them to ask and see if they would be interested in making some extra money or interested in the product with its benefits.Does this ring a bell?I ended up faced with questions that I wasn't able to answer myself, then telling my prospect to wait on hold while I 3-way called my sponsor and thereby getting hung up on, and ending up with nothing but rejection, which all I earned from this experience was to be officially shunned by everyone that I knew. Not cool!Going back to my sponsor for help and support, all my sponsor could suggest is to buy opportunity leads. This only led me to some more frustration and spending a bunch of money I already didn't have, because Cold Calling these types of leads that are supposed to be warm, they had no clue from where I was coming from and how I got their names which wasted my time and theirs.You know what I mean I'm talking about, right?Now, after all my previous effort I was poor as a church mouse, and had nothing to show for it. I DIDN'T WANT TO LOOK AT ANOTHER Network Marketing OPPORTUNITY AGAIN, was my philosophy, until....just a little over a year ago.Eureaka! This is what happened!Well, I feel it's a couple of things at least; 1) Technology: Internet advancements in speed and availablilty to virtually everyone.2) The wave brought on by the internet expansion into collective media has a greater means to get your word out.After giving up any hope, I found what I consider to be the "life saver" for my business. Can you imagine what it is? A Duplicatable Recruiting Tool for my business!I've learned that the old way of marketing as I described above is limited, and works for only those who have the personality and drive to meet people who are cold, to transform them into warm interested prospects, this is a talent that comes natural to some people. It is a skill all on its own and takes years to develop if you don't have an outgoing personality. One thing I've discovered is that these people are doing a form branding and marketing, probably without realizing it.What's the point?The answer is to do a review of a tool as I did. To take in the information and learn the basic, intermediate and professional means of marketing your MLM business from experts who have already done it before. Not to reinvent the wheel. Learn to not pay for your advertising efforts from your J.O.B., but to have it compensated for by other people. To have a constant flow of prospects that are attracted in hearing your opinion/experience in the industry you're in. Thereby, building an ongoing relationship with these people who naturally then are asking for your product or service. YOU ARE NOT THEN CHASING/BEGGING THEM TO BUY FROM YOU!!!!

