
Squeeze Pages and Improving your Opt in Rate

What is a Squeeze Page? It is a page on a site or blog that "squeezes" the visitor into signing up for a mailing list. Simple as that. So how are they used? In this article we will explore the different types of squeeze pages and some techniques for increasing your opt in rates. A squeeze page is a simple page on your website or Android Phones blog that basically is just a form for someone to Iphone 4s Screen Protector subscribe to your newsletter or mailing list. There are various ways of constructing a squeeze page from super simple with some text and an opt in box to slick video squeeze pages. The one thing all of these have in common is the opt in box. There must be an optin box for your visitor to sign up. You will have more opt ins if your box is "above the fold" meaning your full opt in box shows when the page or site loads in the browser withought having to scroll. This is easily the most effective change you can make to increase your opt in rate. Make it easy for your customer to sign up to recieve communications from you. Another way to increase your subscriber rate is to give precise instructions on your confirmation page. The confirmation page is the page a subscriber is taken to after they enter their information in your opt in box. Not everyone know's how double opt ins work giving instructions on how to confirm their subscription will definitely improve your subscription rate. Implementing these two simple things for your next squeeze page or current pages can help improve your opt in rates, giving you more customers to market to and even more opportunity for you to put your product in front of them. Using a squeeze page in your marketing strategy will not only increase your business but will also increase your profits.

